Monday, 31 October 2011


The Zambia research and Development centre (ZARDC) has called on the government of president sata to speed up the implementation of e-governance in the country.
ZARDC director for research and development Richard silumbe says e-governance is an important innovation for enhancing good governance and strengthening the democratic process and can also facilitate access to information, freedom of expression, greater equity, efficiency, productivity, growth and social inclusion.
Mr. Silumbe says the e-governances system removes unnecessary bureaucracies in the government and promotes transparency, accountability and has the potential to improve public service delivery by public institutions with enhanced decentralisation reforms which brings decision makers closer to the doorsteps.
He has stated that government departments should adopt sustainable e-governance system in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness in delivering services to citizens.
The ZARD research and development director has noted that currently Zambia has experienced a greater increase in ICT capacity because the ICT institutions in the country have managed to nurture ICT experts with greater capacities in different areas of expertise.
Meanwhile Mr. Silumbe has urged government to engage local ict experts in coming up with the roadmap to implementation of a sustainable e-government in the country.
He has stressed that ICT software solutions adopted from and developed foreign software developers pose a great challenge in customizing them to meet the local demands.
And Mr. silumbe has further appealed to government at local government level to adopt the community based monitoring system as a tool for improved local governance and democratic decision making that promotes transparency and accountability in resource allocation.
Mr. Silumbe says the councils can use the community based monitoring system in comprehensive mapping of the existing wards to determine the extent of poverty and solutions to promote development in each of the wards

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