Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Tourism and Arts minister sylvia masebo and Council Churches in Zambia reject lands minister Harry kalaba'S decision to mining in the lower zambezi.

The ministry of tourism and arts is against the decision by the ministry of lands, environment and natural resources to issue a mining license to an Australian investor, mwembeshi resources under the parent name of Zambezi resources in the lower Zambezi.

According to the submission made to the parliamentary Committee on tourism and arts minister Sylvia masebo the ministry feels that the mine project should not go ahead because it will put the existence of the lower Zambezi national nation park at risk.
MS masebo says the mine which will occupy about 25percent will also reduce the tourism revenue earnings which benefit government and the local people in the area adding that government risks losing safari fees amounting to over 84million kwacha and photographic revenue amounting to over 9million kwacha.
She says the ministry of tourism and arts follows a policy of sustainable tourism and granting of mining sights to Zambezi resources limited goes against the principle of sustainable tourism.
MS masebo says the ministry’s considered view is that the ministry of lands, natural resources and environmental protection reconsiders its decision to allow mining activities in the lower Zambezi national park.
She further says the important steps were ignored in that the basis for the issuance of the 25years mining license is not clearly known and the license was issued before the environmental impact assessment process was completed.
And ms masebo says plans to declare the lower Zambezi as a world heritage site may not materialize and this mighty lead to an unprecedented campaign against Zambia’s tourism which is a key sector in diversifying the economy.
Last week the media was turned away from covering ms masebo’s presentation to the parliamentary committee on lands’ tourism and environment of her ministry’s position over the matter.
And the council of churches in Zambia (CCZ) has advised government to stop making the environmental management agency (ZEMA) irreverent on environment issues.
CCZ general secretary reverend Suzanne matale says ZEMA has professionals who are capable preserving the environment hence government should learn to listen to the professional advice given on environmental issues.
Reverend matale has also called on the government to put into consideration displacement issues in the kangaluwe mine project which it has given to an Australian investor mwembeshi resources under the parent name of Zambezi river.
reverand matale has advised government use the kalubila mine case as a reference point on which to deal with displacement issues

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