Friday, 27 February 2015

JCTR not happy with continued wastage of national resources.

Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflections JCTR has expressed sadness that resource wastage has continued in public service.

In commending the Zambian government for increasing the number of audits from 138 in 2012 to 143 in 2013, JCTR says it is unfortunate that in a nation where poverty is rife resources are squandered.
" The Auditor General’s Report shows that there is an increase in misapplication of funds, irregular payments, and undelivered materials, over payments, unaccounted for funds and unaccounted for stores" says the centre.
"the total funds mismanaged as a result of above mentioned issues amount to K177, 084,735 as compared to 2012, were it was K88,303,735 that was mismanaged as a result of misapplication of funds, irregular payments, and undelivered materials, over payments, unaccounted for funds and unaccounted for stores", notes jctr.
It says there seems to be a reduction in terms of funds lost due to Unaccounted for Revenue, Wasteful expenditure in the 2013 report as compared to the 2012 report.
JCTR says it is depressing to notice that every year the
AGR report continue to record huge sums lost due to poor management of public funds.

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